Submission Guidelines

The Technical Conference on Hydraulic and Civil Engineering Technology (The 9th HCET2024) provides researchers and practitioners in structural and civil engineering with a unique forum for disseminating new ideas and techniques with significant potential impact. The conference proceeding is dedicated to advancing the frontiers of knowledge and technology by encouraging cross-disciplinary researches and innovative applications in major engineering projects.

Contributions are invited from researchers and practitioners working in the field of hydraulic and civil engineering technology. Full paper should be submitted via
Please follow the instructions strictly and use the template provided. Submissions will be blind reviewed by the HCET committee and an international advisory panel. Authors of accepted papers are required to present their contributions at the conference(On the spot/Online). The conference proceedings will be published by international publishers and indexed by Ei Compendex,Scopus. All extended conference papers are eligible for submission to SCI/SCIE Journal.

HCET welcomes the following research articles:
· Full-length original research papers of significant contributions
· Comprehensive and in-depth reviews on emerging techniques and methodologies
· Short communications on novel perspectives and breaking advancement in engineering applications.
All articles submitted to HCET2024 will be checked in a plagiarism tool and that any ethical misconduct will be considered very seriously!

Paper Submission Deadline: 20 July 2024
Paper Acceptance Notification: 5 August 2024
Author Registration Deadline: 1 September 2024
Conference Date 13-15 September, 2024


Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for publication in the HCET 2024 Proceedings and for presentation(s). Please read carefully the following submission guidelines!

Presentation and Publication

Authors are invited to submit papers to editorial office via Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for HCET 2024.
All manuscripts should include the following sections, in order. All sections are mandatory unless designated "optional":
• Title of the manuscript
• Names (spelled out in full) of all the authors*, and the institutions with which they are affiliated)
• Corresponding author's details (name, email, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers)
• Introduction • Abstract
• Main text
• References
• Tables
• Figures
• Acknowledgements (optional)
• Competing interests
• Author biography (optional)

Page Limit

Each paper should be with 6 pages, each registration covers SIX pages, for extra pages, 60USD/ 400 CNY per page will be charged. More details please go to Registration Page.

Notification of Acceptance or Rejection

Authors are usually informed of acceptance or rejection within 2-3 weeks of submission. Accepted authors will receive an email notifying them of the results from Editorial Office, as well as an official letter of acceptance as a PDF. The notification email will include comments from the reviewers. The conference cannot guarantee that all of the reviewers will provide the level of comment desired by you. However, reviewers are encouraged to submit as detailed comments as possible. Because of the short amount of time between paper acceptance decisions and the beginning of the publication process, HCET 2024 is not able to allow for a two-way discourse between the authors and the reviewers of a paper.

Presentation Only

Each abstract should contain 150 to 200 words. Accepted abstract will be invited to give the oral presentation or poster presentation at the conference, the presentation will not be published. The abstract will be collected in a booklet and distributed to participants during the conference.


All papers accepted to HCET 2024 will be published after the conference and will be freely accessible and downloadable. Accepted papers MUST be presented at the conference by one of the authors. One of the authors MUST register for the conference , and MUST register before the deadline given for author registration. Failure to register before the deadline will result in automatic withdrawal of your paper from the conference proceedings and program. A single registration may cover up to four papers

Please make sure to include the conference name (HCET 2024) and your paper ID with the paper topic on all correspondence.
For example: HCET001+Civil Engineering

Additional questions regarding submission of papers should be directed to the following address:
HCET2024 Editorial Office
Dr. Chen
(86) 18062721847


Please go to the Registration Page to find more information.